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September 30, 2010


Guimaras is an exotic province blessed with picturesque beaches, falls, springs and off shore islets.  The province is composed of five municipalities namely:

Nueva Valencia
San Lorenzo

Each of the five municipalities has its own share of points of interest all guaranteed to make visitor's trip memorable.

Buenavista-  is scenic and historic.  Its wharf was built by Lt. McArthur in 1903 while on duty with the US Corps of Engineers.  Siete Pecados, Roca Encantada, are places with names phonetically fashioned by the sea.  The 45-hectare campus of the Good Sheperd's Fold Academy and Daliran Cave never fail to attract visitors and nature lovers

Jordan excites the senses with pleasurable promises of white sand beaches, marine gardens, coves and native cottages with good facilities at Natagong Beach, Isla Naburot and Baras Beach.  Balaan Bukid is a pilgrimage cum trekking site.  Calm and silent Monastery in the Philippines offers refuge to tired spirit for reflection and prayers.  "Ang pagtaltal sa Guimaras"- a lenten presentation premier crowd drawer every Good Friday.

Nueva Valencia-  like other municipalities in Guimaras delights an innumerable nature's blessings.  Not only are there a myriad for swimming, excursion, picnic, boating sites but some of the places are outstanding destinations.  Water is calm all year round at Alubihod Bay.  White sand beach, multi-colored corals, fish and other marine life are found in Igang and Tando Bays and Taklong Islets.  The rare red shrimps in Tiniguiban Islet may make appearance during high tide while you're there.  Rumagangrang and Cabalagnan Beaches and the offshore islands of Panobolon, Yato and Guiwanon are excellent areas for spearfishing, scuba and snorkeling.  Swim any hour of a fine day.

Sibunag and San Lorenzo are two new municipalities created in 1995 under RA 7896 and RA 7897 respectively.  Sibunag boasts its 1,067 hectares Bamboo Beach; the Costa Aguada Island Resort located at the crocodile shape Inampulugan Island and Nagarao Island Resort, a small tropical island at the southern tip of Guimaras, which offers a Visayan setting.

Each municipalities has candidates to represent the Mr. Guimaras 2010.  The said male pageant is the counterpart of the Miss Manggahan during the Manggahan Festival in the month of April.  Mr. Guimaras is not only a competition but it promotes Guimaras both to foreign and local visitors.  Aside from that, the candidates involved in clean and green campaign and other charitable works.

This year is the second year of Mr. Guimaras's success. 

Who's your bet?

Source-Tourism Map, Department of Tourism, Province of Guimaras
Photo credit: Mallonne's FB account
Pictorial setting:  Cabaling Beach Resort

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nuts said...

i love to visit Guimaras! when kaya?

red said...

@nuts: summer punta ka dito

AJ said...

hi red. im here, and im back. indeed guimaras is blessd w/ wonderful scenes and people. btw, do u got close up shots of your models?

nuts said...


R said...

I and my barkada spent my birthday in Cabaling Beach Resort. yes, it was very nice! :D