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November 23, 2010


Bison are made in such a way that their natural inclination is to look down; the design of their neck makes it difficult for them to look up.  In contrast, giraffes are designed in a way their necks were made  that makes it difficult for them to look down.  Giraffes eat leaves from branches above while Bison eat grass from the field below.

When I went home last "UNDAS", I was able to discover the uniqueness of the spider.  Unlike before when I used to let them fight each other on a stick. 

spider-hunting with my niece and nephew not for the fight but to take photos of. lmao

Spiders are capable of producing  up to 8 different silks.  They produce silken thread using several paired spinneret glands.  Each gland produces a thread of special purpose.

Spiders build webs to catch prey.  Webs allow a spider to catch prey without having to expend energy by running it down.  Insects can get trapped in spider webs, providing nutrition to the spider.  Thus, it is an efficient method of gathering food.

There is strong evidence that spider's coloration is camouflage that helps them to evade their major predators, birds and parasitic wasps, both of which have good color vision.

Many spiders are colored so as to merge with their most common backgrounds.  Several coloration schemes are present in a ratio that appears to remain constant, and this may make it more difficult for predators to recognize them.

The spider, after spinning its web, will then wait on or near the web for a prey insect to become trapped.  The spider senses the impact and struggle of a prey insect by vibrations transmitted through the web.  A spider positioned in the middle of the web makes for a highly visible prey for birds and other predators

Spiders do not usually adhere to their own webs because they are able to spin both sticky and non-sticky types of silk, and are careful to travel across only non-sticky portions of the web.

As we both observe the animals and people around us, we're reminded that God made each of us unique for a purpose.  God gave us individual talents and gifts so that we can use it and work together as a body.

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Jama said...

That is an awesome spider web,a good catch!

nuts said...

so true. each individual is unique..

witsandnuts said...

The fourth photo is a stand-out!